About the Association

The Old Northamptonians Association is run by an executive committee.

All members of the executive committee are long standing members of the Association, and all have their own individual sporting biases here at the club.

All enter their roles on a voluntary basis despite also having their own businesses and careers outside of ONs.

The main objective of the executive committee is to ensure that the clubhouse and grounds are run on an economic and sound basis with always having the best interest of the members at heart.

They also oversee the managing of the staff and the general running of the premises, looking to maximise the earning capacity of our fantastic facilities. The executive committee are supported in their roles by the office staff, bar staff and groundsman, all of whom contribute to the running of the club.

The executive committee are:

Edwin Slinn

Paul Cardow

Alison Hollobon

Guillio Panarello

David Heathfield

Tim Mills

Pete Bason

You can contact the executive committee by Clicking Here